
Know Your Florida Car Insurance

Friday, August 7, 2009

florida auto insuranceEnjoying the scenery and attractions of Florida typically requires the need for a good auto insurance policy to legally enjoy the drive. The best way to find a great policy is by comparing free rate quotes from different providers. To get these free quotes, a driver should use the feature found on our website, and whether the driver wants limited liability coverage or full coverage, we can help find that too. Requirements: Floridians know there’s plenty of great weather and things to do in their local areas, but are they aware that to drive around town they must have auto insurance coverage? It’s true, unless they have another form of financial responsibility declared with the state. The minimum amount of insurance that must be purchased is $10,000 for Personal Injury Protection and $10,000 for Property Damage Liability. Florida is one of only a few states that do not require Bodily Injury Liability, which is a coverage for drivers other than the policyholder or members that will pay for their bodily injuries. (Although some drivers may be required by a court judge to purchase BIL under certain circumstances.)